1 Corinthinans 13…Remixed For Today

Originally posted on sevennotesofgrace:
Thanks go to the folks at Blazing Center for this insightful application of 1 Corinthians 13: If I status update with such insight, hilarity, godliness, or profundity, that I get a thousand retweets and likes, yet have not love, I’m a cellphone that won’t stop ringing, or a car alarm at…

The Unadulterated Truth

There are some who absolutely declare that all religious roads lead to the same end. For these people the celebration of God comes in many ways and many forms. These conclusions are despite the fact that Christian foundations are quite different than the founding of other organizations and thoughts. However the difference in these sectsContinue reading “The Unadulterated Truth”

Week Ten of the CPE Journey: The Audacity of Completion

August 22, 2014 is a day that will not soon be forgotten by me. It was the last day of my training as required by the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE). The four hundred hours of clinical and academic work was among the most intense four hundred hours of work of I have hadContinue reading “Week Ten of the CPE Journey: The Audacity of Completion”